our staff

VIG, candidate supervisor, president of the association
VIG supervisor, founding member of the association
VIG supervisor
VIG supervisor, founding member of the association

Further staff members

VIG specialists

Noémi, Dr. Birta-Székely Video Interaction Guider; Babeș-Bolyai University, Institute of Pedagogy and Applied Didactics, Associate Professor

Area: Cluj-Napoca

István, Fedor Dr. VIG supervisor; Heim Pál National Institute of Pediatrics, Mental Health Center, Budapest

Szeged-Csanád county, with Szeged centre

Csilla, Foki Video Interaction Guider, Zugló Family and Child Welfare Centre

Area: social sector

Mária, Dr. Gallai VIG supervisor; HOGYI Mental Health Centre, child psychiatrist, psychotherapist

Area: Budapest

Ibolya, Kotta Dr. Honorary Video Interaction Guider; psychologist, adjunct professor at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Area: family and school video training

Mária, Kozmáné Kovásznai Video Interaction Guider; no longer active as a teacher, expert in public education

Area: school video training in the Transdanubian region (from Veszprém to Pécs)


Kata, Medveczky Video Interaction Guider; Kindergarten psychologist - Szentendrei Reformed Kindergarten

Area: Szentendre and the Danube bend (from Budakalászt to Visegrád)

Natália, Rákár-Szabó Video Interaction Guider és videotrainer-instructor; freelance psychologist (individual, couple and family therapy consultations) kéTTé Foundation, Menedék Association, SE PPK, ELTE-PPK-EKTI

Area: family and social VIG (single mothers, child protection institutions), Budapest

Tamás, Réti Video Interaction Guider; Tóth Aladár Music School

Field: teacher VIG during workplace mentoring

Péter, Sitkei Video Interaction Guider; Pest County Child Protection Centre and Regional Child Protection Service

Field: social sector

Tímea, Somogyi Video Interaction Guider; Head of Családcentrum Foundation

Area: VIG in family, kindergarten, school, Budapest in Zugló