Training programs

Accredited training

All our courses are accredited or in the process of being accredited.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of videotraining (Video Interaction Guidance) for the development of teacher-child/student, parent-child relationships and facilitative communication (30 hours)

Education Office

Establishment permit number: 469/10/2021

Presentation, workshop

On request, we are happy to give presentations on the videotraining (VIG) method. The topics of the presentations will be tailored to the interests of the inviting institution and will always include the presentation of films.

Price of the presentation (online): 10.000 HUF/hour

Price of the presentation (offline): 10.000 HUF/hour + travel expenses

Duration: 45-90 minutes

Our interactive workshops will give you an insight into how the video training method works and how effective it is.

Workshop price (online): 20.000 HUF

Workshop price (Offline): 25.000 HUF

Duration: 4 hours

Trainers: Eva Bartha, Emese Szarka

We currently organize our workshops outside Budapest by invitation. Please check our website or contact us by e-mail.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of videotraining (Video Interaction Guidance) for the development of teacher-child/student, parent-child relationships and facilitative communication

The aim of the course is to introduce the video training method.

Topics covered:

– theoretical sources of the method,

– values and principles,

– basic elements of relationship and interaction,

– micro-analysis,

– demonstration films,

– technical knowledge,

– practical application of the method in the form of role-plays,

– application of the method in different fields and institutions,

– interprofessional cooperation,

– information on the continuation of training,

– and many situational exercises, individual personality development elements, games.


Duration: 30 hours

Accredited course fee: 60.000 HUF

Two introductory courses per year in Budapest, but also in other locations if there is a sufficient number of applicants.

Successful completion of the Basic Course is a prerequisite for starting the Video Interaction Guider Training. The supervision-based training lasts 2 years (4 semesters), consists of 15-24 hours of supervision per semester and requires the trainee to work continuously with several clients (family, class or group) using the method. The successful completion of the training will lead to a diploma as a Video Interaction Guider.


SECTION I: Preparation for video training, learning how to select images

SECTION II: Micro-analysis and feedback

SECTION III: Feedback and micro-analysis

SECTION IV: Preparation for the independent application of the method

Training requirements:

– minimum 20 supervision sessions (60 supervision hours)

– participation in four workshops (at least one workshop with presentation of own work)

– at least one individual presentation

– continuous video-training with at least 6 completed systems

– a total of min. 150 hours of participation in the training

– a successful final examination.

Upon completion of the training requirement, one can become a certified video interaction guider. According to international regulations, the diploma is valid for three years, after which it is renewable. The diploma can be automatically extended if the professional uses the method with his/her clients on a continuous basis and presents it periodically in professional forums and in the Association’s forums.

The duration of a video interaction guider supervisor training course is approximately 24 months. On entering the training, it is required to obtain a diploma as a video interaction guider, followed by a demonstration of successful application of the method in practice (at least 1 year).

The aim of the supervisor training is to enable the supervisor to:

– independently guide a trainee at any stage of the training,

– recognise and mobilize the strengths of the trainee,

– help trainees to reflect on their own communication patterns,

– present a professional image in line with the principles of the method,

– apply VIG in an autonomous way in their own professional field.


  1. Conducting basic courses
  2. Two method presentations, seminar, presentation
  3. Training of at least two trainers
  4. Independent VIG work
  5. Integration of VIG in the own workplace
  6. Completion of a portfolio, successful final exam


Supervision of these professional activities can be based on direct attendance or on video recordings. During the training, the future supervisor will participate in at least 10 supervision sessions, either alone or in small groups.

Prospective supervisors will take part in supervision meetings and training organized by the Association.

Upon completion of the training requirements, the VIG trainee will be awarded a valid VIG-supervisor diploma.

2022. évi workshopok

2025. január 13. 9:00-10:15 Videotréninggel támogatott tanítás a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem tanári Ma és mentorképzős hallgatóinak (online előadás)
2025. február 14. 19:00-19:00 (Nevelő)szülői készségek fejlesztése – módszertani workshop szülők és szakemberek számára (online)
2025. február 17. 09:30-16:00 Amire minden kliens vágyik – a sikeres kommunikáció elemei (szentendrei belső képzés videotrénereknek és bevezető kurzust végzetteknek)
2025. február ? Kétórás workshop Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetem a Csecsemő-szülő kapcsolatdiagnosztika és konzultáció szakirányú képzés hallgatóinak és oktatóinak
2025. március 6-7-8. 09:00-17:00 Mediáció és resztoratív technikák (30 órás akkreditált képzés Simontornyán)
2025. november – Videotréning bevezető kurzus – 30 órás akkreditált képzés


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