Emőke Bányai Dr. PhD

VIG supervisor, founding member of the association

Password: ????
Children: Gergely (1987), Dániel (1989)
Colour: purple
Form of exercise: cycling
Flavour: lime pate

Sociologist, university lecturer. Her main research interests are the past and present of intensive family support services.

She started working in the first family support service, then as a family carer; later she continued to work with families with children in various jobs and projects. She became involved in the training of social workers, first as a field teacher and later full time.
She was head of the Institute of Social Work and Diaconia at the Faculty of Social Work and Diaconia of the Faculty of Social Work and Diaconia for 5 years, and taught courses such as School Social Work, Child Welfare, Child Protection, New Challenges in Social Work, Empowerment, Social Casework, Social Work with Families, Video Home Training.
She has taught at several universities, among others: ELTE, Károli Gáspár Reformed University and Miskolc University, in the broad field of social work.
Between 1999 and 2002, she was actively involved in the MATRA project of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she introduced relationship development VHT and VIG in relationship development in Hungary, and in 2006-2007 she introduced them in Romania.